General Terms of Use
for e-learning on the platform
1 Scope of contract
Diese Nutzungsbedingungen gelten zwischen Nicole Szálasi und demjenigen, der die Website ( nutzt (nachfolgend „Teilnehmer“ genannt). Die Nutzungsbedingungen gelten, sobald der Teilnehmer das Angebot nutzt, für die Dauer von 180 Tagen.
2 Login credentials
The Participant is responsible for the protection of the identification assigned to them, in particular, the login password and, if applicable, the passwords for the individual lessons. These credentials are personal. It is not permitted to disclose them to third parties.
3 Liability
The Provider assumes no liability for the uninterrupted use or access of the offers, and is not responsible for technically caused transmission delays or failures. Furthermore, the Provider assumes no liability for the unauthorized obtaining of personal user data by third parties (for example, through unauthorized access by hackers to the database). The Provider is also not accountable for the misuse of data and information that the Participants themselves have made available to third parties. Liability in the event of misuse and loss: The Provider is not liable for damages incurred to the Participant as a result of misuse or loss of the Participant’s credentials assigned to them. The Provider (including their vicarious agents) is only liable for damages due to slight negligence if an essential contractual obligation has been violated. In this case, claims for damages are limited to the amount of typically foreseeable damages. Claims due to physical injury as well as for property damage according to the Product Liability Act remain unaffected.
4 Data storage
Under section 33 paragraph 1 of the German Data Protection Act, the Participant is informed that the Provider stores user data in machine-readable form and processes it within the scope of the purpose of the website user agreement. The data will only be passed on to third parties if necessary for legal reasons. Upon termination of the contract, the Provider can block the Participant’s account. After the statutory period has expired, the Provider shall delete the data linked to the Participant’s account. The date of birth is only used to verify the legal age of majority.
5 Data update
The Participant undertakes to keep data up to date that they have given to the Provider in the course of registration. Furthermore, the Participant provides all information truthfully. Deliberately false information constitutes a reason for termination on the part of the Provider.
6 Warranty
The Provider does not assume warranty for the functionality of the technical equipment and the EDP program. Should the Participant make use of a fee-based offer, the Provider then commits to enable the Participant to use the offer within the period agreed with the Participant. In doing so, the Provider shall make the offer available in the greatest possible time frame. However, the Participant has no claim to be able to use the offer at a specific time of day.
7 Links
Für sämtliche auf dieser Site angegebenen Links liegt die Verantwortlichkeit für die Inhalte der Links ausschließlich bei deren Betreiber. Der Anbieter übernimmt keinerlei Haftung für deren Inhalte und distanziert sich von gegebenenfalls rechtswidrigen, gewaltverherrlichenden, rassistischen o. ä. Inhalten nachdrücklich.
8 Copyrights
The contents of the offer are only intended for the Participant's own requirements and may not be used commercially. This also applies to all documents which the Participant receives within the scope of the offer and which he uses. All other copyrights are reserved. Should the Participant violate the rights of the Provider, the Provider then reserves the right to take legal action against the Participant, without prejudice to any claims for damages.
9 Information
During the contract term of the website use, the Provider will inform the Participant by email about current events; this is done free of charge. The Participant agrees that all notification relating to the use of the Provider's services will be sent by email unless another form is required by law. Letters, as well as telephone, may also be used for administrative purposes or specific and individual information.
10 Changes to the Provider’s services
The Provider is entitled to change the services offered on the website at any time without giving reasons, excluding any claims for damages by the Participant, especially if this is necessary for didactic purposes.
11 Participant’s obligations
The Provider checks all links and contents in regular intervals. The Participant is solely responsible for the content he publishes on the website.
12 Amendments
The Provider reserves the right to change the terms of use at any time without giving reasons unless this is not reasonable for the Participant. In due time, the Provider will inform the Participant of any changes to the Terms of Use. If the Participant does not object to the validity of the new Terms of Use within two weeks of notification, the amended Terms of Use shall be deemed accepted by the User. In the said notification, the Provider shall inform the Participant of their right to object and the significance of the objection period.
13 Unless otherwise agreed, the Participant may submit all communication to the Provider by email or send it to the Provider by fax or email. The Provider may send correspondence to the Participant by email, fax, or letter to the addresses which the Participant has given as current contact data in their user account.
14 Termination by the Provider
The Participant and the Provider can terminate “The contract for a free use of the offer” at any time without giving reasons. If the Participant has booked a fee-based offer, the Provider may only terminate the contract for an important cause. This is particularly the case if the Participant uses the offer in violation of the agreement (e.g., making their user ID available to third parties or infringing the Provider's copyright).