a { text-decoration: none; }

When it comes to lead referral generation,
the customer experience is it.

John Jantsch


Will fingerLINK® also run on my system?

Minimum Hardware Requirements:

  • RAM: 2GB memory
  • Hard disc memory space: 2GB
  • Internet Bandwidth 10 Mbps

Supported browsers Windows:

  • Microsoft Edge (ver 44.xxx Edge-Html 18.18363)
  • Google Chrome (ver. 79.xx)
  • Internet Explorer (vert. 11.xx)

Supported browsers Mac OS:

  • Safari (ver. 12.x)
  • Google Chrome (ver. 79.xx)
  • Microsoft Edge Canary (ver. 82.xx)

NOTE: currently we do not support Mozilla FireFox.

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Proprietor: Nicole Szálasi
Alter Festplatz 1
96135 Stegaurach, Germany

T +49 (951) 299 520 85
F +49 (951) 700 44 78